ARMT fights

With the COVID-19 outbreak, Infodemic, i.e. pandemic of information disorder alias fake/false news is posing a serious threat to the global health. A sea of misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theory on social media platforms regarding prevention, treatment, vaccination, self-medication, etc. to fight the virus has become a matter of serious concern. With the increasing number of these fake news surrounding the pandemic, each passing day is celebrated as April Fool’s day; and from there it starts the journey of this small but an honest, illustrated, innovative and attractive way of awareness campaign #CheckTheFake on #COVID19 by the Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust, a non-profit educational and research organisation. The campaign through two exclusive cartoon characters/protagonists – ‘Pandemic’ and ‘Infodemic’ beautifully represented by their own characteristics competing to each other revolves around the issues being circulated as misinformation. The prime objective of this project is to aware common people to filter 'believed facts' or 'distorted facts' and get 'checked facts' through media literacy.
We feel happy for your interest to read the book, “Break The Fake Toons” based on the campaign #CheckTheFake on #COVID19. Although it’s available here to download, however your small contribution of only ₹200 will encourage the Trust to work forward on media and digital literacy during this crisis.
ARMT Research Team of #CheckTheFake campaign against #Infodemic
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ankuran Dutta, Investigator: Dr Anupa Lahkar Goswami
Research Associate: Raja Das, Graphic Design: Dr Sanjib Bora, Admin Assistant: Pallab Bharali
Cartoon Design: Nituparna Rajbongshi (http://cartoonistnituparna.org)
Media Collaboration: The Assam Tribune (http://www.assamtribune.com/) and
NE Now (https://nenow.in)